Key Operator Mode
Machine Management List Print [14]
Use this function to print out the list selected from the following items.
• Job memory list: | Programmed contents of Job memory |
•User management list: Home position settings selected by user
•E.C.M. management list: Machine information managed by ECM
• Font pattern list: | Font patterns used in the machine |
Key Operator Mode Screen 2 | Management List Print Menu Screen |
1Press [HELP] to display the Help Screen, then touch Key Operator Mode.
Enter a
2To display menus [11] to [18] of the Key Operator Mode Screen, touch Lower arrow key.
3Touch [14] Machine management list print to display the Management List Print Menu Screen.
4Touch the desired item on the screen. The Basic Screen will resume automatically.
5Press [START] to start printing the selected list.
To suspend printing, press [STOP]. Press [P] and [C] in order to return to the Management List Print Menu Screen.
6Touch PREVIOUS SCREEN to restore the Key Operator Mode Screen. If other key operator settings are required, select the desired menu item, from [1] to [18].
7If no further changes are required, touch PREVIOUS SCREEN to restore the Basic Screen to perform copying operations.
NOTE: If an invalid Key operator password is entered, continue by entering the valid