Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 14 LDAP System Configuration
LDAP System Configuration Settings
Note If end users exist in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager database before synchronization with
a corporate directory occurs, the system will delete those end users that did not have a matching user ID
in the corporate directory. For example, if users bob and sanjay were in the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager database, but only bob was in the LDAP directory, then sanjay would be
marked inactive and eventually get deleted by the garbage collector program.
Note After an LDAP Directory configuration for the DirSync service gets created or the LDAP user
authentication is enabled, the settings in the LDAP System window become read only.
Note After you configure LDAP synchronization in Cisco Unified Communications Ma nager Administration,
users without last names in the corporate directory do not synchronize with the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager database. No error displays in Cisco Unified Comm uni cation s M a nage r
Administration, but the log file indicates which users did not synchronize.
Tab le 14-1 LDAP System Configuration Settings
Field Description
LDAP System Information
Enable Synchronizing
from LDAP Server To enable synchronization of data from the customer LDAP server, check
this check box.
If synchronization with the LDAP server is enabled, the following
circumstances occur:
You cannot modify end user d ata, e xcept for th e f ields (attri b utes) th at
are not synchronized from the corporate directory . Exam ple: user PIN.
(The administrator can always modify application user data.)
You can modify the LDAP Directory information.
You can modify LDAP Authentication information.
If synchronization with the LDAP server is not enabled (is disabled), th e
following circumstances occur:
You cannot modify LDAP Directory information.
You cannot modify LDAP Authentication information.