Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Date/Time Group Configuration
Use the following topics to add, update, or delete Date/Time Groups, and t o syn chron i ze c onfigura tion
changes with affected devices:
Date/Time Group Configuration Settings, page 6-1
Finding a Date/Time Group, page 6-3
Configuring a Date/Time Group, page 6-4
Synchronizing a Date/Time Group With Affected Devices, page 6-5
Deleting a Date/Time Group, page 6-6
Related Topics, page 6-6

Date/Time Group Configuration Settings

Use Date/Time Groups to define time zones for the various devices that are connected to Cisco Unified
Communications Manager. Each device exists as a member of only one device pool, and each device
pool has only one assigned Date/Time Group.
Installing Cisco Unified Commu nica tions Mana ge r automatically co nfigures a def ault Date/T ime Group
that is called CMLocal. CMLocal synchronizes to the active date and time of the operating system on
the server where Cisco Unified Communications Manager is installed. After installing Cisco Unified
Communications Manager, you can change the settings for CMLocal as desired. Normally, adjust server
date/time to the local time zone date and time.
Note CMLocal resets to the operating system date and time whenever you restart Cisco Unified
Communications Manager or upgrade the Cisco Unified Communications Manager software to a new
release. Do not change the name of CMLocal.
Tip For a worldwide distribution of Cisco Unified IP Phones, create one named Date/Time Group for each
of the 24 time zones.
Table 6-1 describes the date/time group configuration settings. For related procedures, see the “Related
Topics” section on page 6-6.