Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 42 Route Group Configuration Finding a Route Group
Additional Information
See the “Related Topics” section on page 42-7.
Finding a Route GroupBecause you might have several route groups in your network, Cisco Unified Communications Manager
lets you locate specific route groups based on specific criteria. Use the following procedure to locate
route groups.
Note During your work in a browser session, Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration r etains
your route group search preferences. If you navigate to other menu items and return to this menu item,
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration retains your route group search prefer ences
until you modify your search or close the browser.
Step 1 Choose Call Routing > Route/Hunt > Route Group.
The Find and List Route Groups window displays. Records from an active (prior) query may also display
in the window.
Current Route Group Members
Selected Devices To change the priority of a device, choose a de v ice n ame in the Se lected
Devices list box. Move the device up or down in the list by clicking the
arrows on the right side of the list box.
To reverse the priority order of the devices in the Selected Devices list
box, click Reverse Order of Selected Devices.
For more information about the order of devices in a route group, see
“Route Plan Overview” in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager
System Guide.
Removed Devices Choose a device in the Selected Devices list box and add it to the
Removed Devices list box by clicking the down arrow button between
the two list boxes.
Note You must leave at least one device in a route group.
Route Group Members
(list of devices) This pane displays links to the devices that have been added to this route
group. Click one of the device names to go to the configuration window
for that particular device.
Note When you are adding a new route group, this list does not
display until you save the route group.
Table 42-1 Route Group Configuration Settings (continued)
Field Description