Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 114 End User Configuration
End User Configuration Settings
Device Associations
Controlled Devices After the device is associated, this field displays the description
information (for example, the MAC address) that the end user controls.
This field displays after you create a user in the dat a base. To associate a
device with this end user, click the Device Association button. See the
“Associating Devices to an End User” section on page 114-15 for a
detailed procedure.
Extension Mobility
Available Profiles This list box displays the extension mobility profiles that are available for
association with this end user.
To search for an extension mobility profile, click Find. Use the Find and
List Device Profiles window that displays to search for the extension
mobility profile that you want.
To associate an extension mobility profile with this end user, select the
profile and click the Down arrow below this list box.
Controlled Profiles This field displays a list of controlled device profiles that are ass oci a ted
with an end user who is configured for Cisco Extension Mobility.
Default Profile From the drop-down list box, choose a default extension mobility prof ile
for this end user.
Presence Group Configure this field with the Presence feature.
From the drop-down list box, choose a Presence group for the end use r.
The selected group specifies the destinations that the end user can
The default value for Presence Group specifies Standard Presence group,
configured with installation. Presence groups that are configured in Cisco
Unified Communications Manager Administration also appear in the
drop-down list box.
Presence authorization works with presence groups to allow or block
presence requests between groups. Refer to the “Presence” chapter in the
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Features and Services Guide
for information about configuring permissions between groups and how
presence works with extension mobility.
Table 114-1 End User Configuration Settings (continued)
Field Description