Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 51 Time Schedule Configuratio n
Finding a Time Schedule
Additional Information
See the “Related Topics” section on page 51-5.
Finding a Time ScheduleBecause you might have several time schedules in your network, Cisco Unified Communications
Manager lets you locate specific time schedules by using specific criteria as the basi s. Use th e following
procedure to locate time schedules.
Time Period Information
Available Time Periods This field displays after a time schedule has been added.
Choose a time period in the Available Time Periods list box and add it to
the Selected Time Periods list box by clicking the down arrow button
between the two list boxes.
To add a range of time periods at once, click the first time period in the
range; then, hold down the Shift key while clicking the last time period
in the range. Click the down arrow button between the two list boxes to
add the range of time periods.
To add multiple time periods that are not contiguous, hold down the
Control (Ctrl) key while clicking multiple time periods. Click the down
arrow button between the two list boxes to add the chosen time periods.
Selected Time Periods This list box lists the time periods that were selected for this time
schedule. To remove a time period from the list of selected time periods,
choose the time period to remove and click the up arrow between the two
list boxes. To reorder the selected time periods, choose a time period and
click the up and down arrows to the right of this list box.
Note If multiple time periods get associated to a time schedule and the
time periods overlap, time periods with Day of Year settings take
precedence over time periods with Day of Week settings.
Example: If a Time Period configured for January 1st is
configured as No Office Hours and another time period is
configured for the same day of the week (for example, Sunday to
Saturday) as 08:00 to 17:00, the time period for January 1st gets
used. In this example, No Office Hours takes precedence.
Note Time interval settings take precedence over No Office Hour
settings for the same day of the year or day of the week.
Example: One time period specifies for Saturday as No Office
Hours. Another time period specifies Saturday hours of 08:00 to
12:00. In this example, the resulting time interval specifies 08:00
to 12:00 for Saturday.
Table 51-1 Time Schedule Configuration Settings (continued)
Field Description