Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 47 Hunt Pilot Configuration Hunt Pilot Configuration Settings
Hunt Forward Settings
Forward Hunt No Answer When the call that is distributed through the hunt list is not answered in
a specific period of time, this field specifies the destination to which the
call gets forwarded.
Choose from the following options:
• Use Personal Preferences—Use this check box to enable the Call
Forward No Coverage (CFNC) settings for the original called number
that forwarded the call to this hunt pilot.
The CFNC setting specifies a call forwarding reason that you
administer in the Directory Number Configuration window. Calls get
diverted based on the value in the directory number
Coverage/Destination field when a call to the directory number first
diverts to coverage, and coverage either exhausts or times out, and
the associated hunt pilot for coverage specifies Use Personal
Preferences for its final forwarding.
Note When this check box is checked, Cisco Unified Communications
Manager ignores the settings in the Destination box and Calling
Search Space.
• Destination—This setting indicates the directory number to which
calls are forwarded.
• Calling Search Space—This setting applies to all devices that are
using this directory number.
Forward Hunt Busy When the call that is distributed through the hunt list is busy in a specific
period of time, this field specifies the destination to which the call gets
Choose from the following options:
• Use Personal Preferences—Use this check box to enable the Call
Forward No Coverage (CFNC) settings for the original called number
that forwarded the call to this hunt pilot.
The CFNC setting specifies a call forwarding reason that you
administer in the Directory Number Configuration window. Calls get
diverted based on the value in the directory number
Coverage/Destination field when a call to the directory number first
diverts to coverage, and coverage either exhausts or times out, and
the associated hunt pilot for coverage specifies Use Personal
Preferences for its final forwarding.
Note When this check box is checked, Cisco Unified Communications
Manager ignores the settings in the Destination box and Calling
Search Space.
• Destination—This setting indicates the directory number to which
calls are forwarded.
• Calling Search Space—This setting applies to all devices that are
using this directory number.
Table 47-1 Hunt Pilot Configuration Settings (continued)
Field Description