Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 68 Calling Party Transformation Pattern Configuration Calling Party Transformation Pattern Configuration Settings
Route Filter If your transformation pattern includes the @ wildcard, you may choose a
route filter. The optional act of choosing a route filter restricts certain number
The route filters that display depend on the numbering plan that you choose
from the Numbering Plan drop-down list box.
You can configure the number of items that display in this drop-down list box
by using the Max List Box Items enterprise parameter. If more route filters
exist than the Max List Box Items enterprise parameter specifies, the Find
button displays next to the drop-down list box. Click the Find button to display
the Find and List Route Filters window. Find and choose a route filter name by
using the Finding a Route Filter procedure in the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager Administration Guide.
Note To set the maximum list box items, choose System > Enterprise
Parameters and choose CCMAdmin Parameters.
Urgent Priority Cisco Unified Communications Manager sets all calling party transformation
patterns with urgent priority, and you cannot change the priority of the
Calling Party Transformations
Use Calling Party’s
External Phone
Number Mask
Check the check box if you want the full, external phone number to be used
for calling line identification (CLID) on outgoing calls. You may also
configure an External Phone Number Mask on all phone devices.
Discard Digits
Instructions Choose the discard digits instructions that you want to be associated with this
calling party transformation pattern. The discard digits that display depend on
the numbering plan that you choose from the Numbering Plan drop-down list
Calling Party
Transform M a s k Enter a transformation mask value. Valid entries for the NANP include the
digits 0 through 9; the wildcard characters X, asterisk (*), and octothorpe (#);
and the international escape character +.
If the Discard Digits Instructions field is blank, the Prefix Digits (Outgoing
Calls) field is blank, the Calling Party Transformation Mask field is blank, and
the Use Calling Party’s External Phone Number Mask is not checked, no
calling party transformation takes place.
Prefix Digits
(Outgoing Calls) Enter prefix digits in the Prefix Digits (Outgoing Calls) field. Valid entries for
the NANP include the digits 0 through 9, the wildcard characters asterisk (*)
and octothorpe (#), and the international escape character +.
Note The appended prefix digit does not affect which directory numbers
route to the assigned device.
Table 68-1 Calling Party Transformation Pattern Configuration Settings (continued)
Field Description