Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
SIP Profile Configuration
A SIP profile comprises the set of SIP attributes that are associated with SIP trunks and SIP endpoints.
SIP profiles include information such as name, description, timing, retry, call pickup URI, and so on.
The profiles contain some standard entries that cannot be deleted or changed.
Use the following topics to configure and locate SIP profiles:
SIP Profile Configuration Settings, page 101-1
Finding SIP Profiles, page 101-9
Configuring SIP Profiles, page 101-10
Deleting SIP Profiles, page 101-11
Resetting a SIP Profile, page 101-11
Synchronizing a SIP Profile With Affected SIP Devices, page 101-12
Related Topics, page 101-13

SIP Profile Configuration Settings

A SIP profile comprises the set of SIP attributes that are associated with SIP trunks and SIP endpoints.
SIP profiles include information such as name, description, timing, retry, call pickup URI, and so on.
The profiles contain some standard entries that cannot be deleted or changed.
Table 101-1 describes the available settings in the SIP Profile Configuration window. For more
information about related procedures, see the “Related Topics” section on page 101-13.
Tab le 101-1 SIP Profile Configuration Settings
Field Description
SIP Profile Information
Name Enter a name to identify the SIP profile; for example, SIP_7905. The
value can include 1 to 50 characters, including alphanumeric charac te rs,
dot, dash, and underscores.
Description This field identifies the purpose of the SIP profile; for example, SIP for