Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 8 Region Configuration
Region Configuration Settings
Refer to the “Regions” subtopic under the “Administration Considerations” topic of the “IP Video
Telephony” chapter of the Cisco Unified Communications Solution Reference Network Design
(SRND) for the current release, which provides recommendations as to how the video bandwidth
should be set for regions and locations, so the video portion of video calls will succeed, and the
video calls will not get rejected nor set up as audio-o nly c a lls.
Table 8-1 summarizes the audio codec and video call bandwidth settings that can be specified for
regions. For related procedures, see the “Related Topics” section on page 8-10.
Tab le 8-1 Region Configuration Settings
Field Description
Region Information
Name Enter a unique name for this region. This name can compri se u p t o 30
characters. Valid characters include letters, numbers, dashes, dots
(periods), blanks, and underscores.
Note Cisco recommends that you reset devices after changing a region
Region Relationships
Region The entries in this column display all regions for which non-default
relationships have been configured.
Note If the relationships between the region that you are configuring
and this region specify only default values, this region does not
display in this column.
Audio Codec The entries in this column specify the audio codec relationship between
the region that you are configuring and the region that displays in the
corresponding row.
Video Call Bandwidth The entries in this column specify the video call bandwidth relationship
between the region that you are configuring and the region that displays
in the corresponding row.
Link Loss Type The entries in this column specify the link loss type relationship between
the region that you are configuring and the region that displays in the
corresponding row.
Modify Relationship to Other Regions
Regions The entries in this window pane specify all existing region s, including the
Default region, the region that you are configuring, and all other regions.
Choose a region in this pane prior to configuring the relationships
between the region that you are configuring and the chosen region.