Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 115 Role Configuration
Role Configuration Settings
Role Configuration Settings
Roles allow Cisco Unified Communications Manager administrators who have full administration
privilege (access) to configure end users and application users with d ifferent levels of privilege.
Administrators with full administration privilege configure roles and user groups. In general, full-access
administration users configure the privilege of other administration users and end users to Cisc o Unified
Communications Manager Administration and to other applications.
Different levels of privilege exist for each application. For example, f or Cisco Unif ied Communica tions
Manager Administration, two levels of privilege exist: read privilege and update privilege. These
privilege levels differ as follows:
Users with update privilege can view and modify the Cisco Unified Communicati ons Man ag er
Administration windows to which the user group of the user has update privilege.
A user with read privilege can view the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration
windows that belong to the roles to which the user group of the u ser has read privilege. A user with
read privilege for a window cannot, however, make any changes on those administration windows
to which the user has only read privilege. For a user with read privilege, the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager Administration application does not display any update buttons nor
Roles comprise groups of resources for an application. If you want to do so, you can creat e custom roles
that comprise custom groupings of resources for an application . At in stall atio n, default sta nd ard r ole s
get created for various administrative functions. For example, to configure Audit Log Administration,
choose the Standard Audit Log Administrati on role. When th e Role Configurat ion window displa y,
click the Read or Update check box for the resource you want to configure and click Save.
Tip Certain standard roles have no associated application no r r es our ce. Th ese rol es p rovide lo gin
authentication for various applications.
Table 115-1 describes the role configuration settings. For related proc ed ures, se e the “Related Topics”
section on page 115-5.
Tab le 115-1 Role Configuration Settings
Field Description
Role Information
Application From the drop-down list box, choose the application with which this
role associates.
Name Enter a name for the role. Names can have up to 128 characters .
Description Enter a description for the role. Descriptions can have up to 128
Resource Access Information
(list of resource names for the
chosen application) In the Resource Access Information pane, click the check box(es) next
to the resource(s) that you want this role to include.
Note In some applications, only one check box applies for each
resource. In the Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Administration application, a read check box and an upda te
check box apply to each resource.