Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Cisco Unified Communications Manager (formerly Cisco Unified CallManager) serves as the
software-based call-processing component of the Cisco Unified Communications fam ily of products. A
wide range of Cisco Media Convergence Servers provides high-availability server platforms for Cisco
Unified Communications Manager call processing, services, and applications.
The Cisco Unified Communications Manager system extends enterpri se te lep hony fe at ures a nd
functions to packet telephony network devices such as IP phones, media processing devices,
voice-over-IP (VoIP) gateways, and multimedia applications. Additional data, voice, and video services,
such as unified messaging, multimedia conferencing, collabor ative contact ce nters , and int eract ive
multimedia response systems, interact through Cisco Unified Communications Manager open telephony
application programming interface (API).
Cisco Unified Communications Manager provides signaling and call control services to Cisco in tegrated
telephony applications as well as third-party applications. Cisco Unified Communications Manager
performs the following primary functions:
Call processing
Signaling and device control
Dial plan administration
Phone feature administration
Directory services
Operations, administration, maintenance, and provisioning (OAM&P)
Programming interface to external voice-processing applications such as Cisco IP Communicator,
Cisco Unified IP Interactive Voice Response (IP IVR), and Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Attendant Console
Additional Information
See the “Related Topics” section on page 1-11.

Key Features and Benefits

The Cisco Unified Communications Manager system includes a suite of integrated voice applications
that perform voice-conferencing and manual attendant con s ole fu nctio ns. Th is su ite o f voice
applications means that no need exists for special-purpose voice-processing hardware. Supplementar y
and enhanced services such as hold, transfer, forward, conference, mu ltiple line appearances, automatic
route selection, speed dial, last-number redial, and other features extend to IP phones and gateways.