Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 5 Phone NTP Reference Configuration
Finding the Phone NTP References
Finding the Phone NTP ReferencesBecause you can configure several phone NTP references in Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Administration, Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration allows you to locate specific
phone NTP references. Use the following procedure to locate the phone NTP references that exist in
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration.
Note During your work in a browser session, the cookies on the client machine store your find/list preferences.
If you navigate to other menu items and return to this menu item , or i f you c lose the b rowser an d th en
reopen a new browser window, the system retains your Cisco Unified Communications Manager search
preferences until you modify your search.
Step 1 Choose System > Phone NTP Reference.
The Find and List Phone NTP References window displays. Records from an a ctive (prior) query ma y
also display in the window.
Mode From the drop-down list box, choose the mode for the phone NTP reference.
The values from which you can choose follow:
• Directed Broadcast—If you choose this default NTP mode, the phone
accesses date/time information from any NTP server but gives the listed
NTP servers (1st = primary, 2nd = secondary) priority. For example, if
the phone configuration contains NTP servers where A = primary NTP
server and B = secondary/backup NTP server, the phone uses the
broadcast packets (derives the date/time) from NTP server A. If NTP
server A is not broadcasting, the phone accesses date/time information
from NTP server B. If neither NTP server is broadcasting, the phone
accesses date/time information from any other NTP server. If no othe r
NTP server is broadcasting, the phone will derive the date/time from the
Cisco Unified Communications Manager 200 OK response to the
REGISTER message.
• Unicast—If you choose this mode, the phone will send an NTP query
packet to that particular NTP server. If the phone gets no response, t he
phone will access date/time information from any other NTP server. If
no other NTP servers respond, the phone will derive the date/time from
the Cisco Unified Communications Manager 200 OK response to the
REGISTER message.
Note Cisco Unified Communications Manager currently does not support
the Multicast and Anycast modes. If you choose either of these
modes, Cisco Unified Communications Manager will default to the
Directed Broadcast mode.
Table 5-1 Phone NTP Reference Configuration Settings (continued)
Field Description