Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 101 SIP Profile Configuration
SIP Profile Configuration Settings
Enable ANAT This option allows a dual-stack SIP trunk to offer both IPv4 and IPv6
When you check both the Enable ANAT and the MTP Required check
boxes, Cisco Unified Communications Manager inserts a dual-stack
MTP and sends out an offer with two m-lines, one for IPv4 and another
for IPv6. If a dual- stack MTP cannot be allocated, Cisco Un ified
Communications Manager sends an INVITE without SDP.
When you check the Enable ANA T check b ox and the M edia Termination
Point Required check box is unchecked, Cisco Unified Communications
Manager sends an INVITE without SDP.
When the Enable ANAT and Media Termination Point Required check
boxes display as unchecked (or when an MTP cannot be allocated), Cisco
Unified Communications Manager sends an INVITE without SDP.
When you uncheck the Enable ANAT check box but you check the Media
Termination Point Required check box, consider the information, which
assumes that an MTP can be allocated:
Cisco Unified Communications Manager sends an IPv4 address in
the SDP for SIP trunks with an IP Addressing Mode of IPv4 Only.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager sends an IPv6 address in
the SDP for SIP trunks with an IP Addressing Mode of IPv6 Only.
For dual-stack SIP trunks, Cisco Unified Communications Manager
determines which IP address type to send in the SDP based on the
configuration for the IP Addressing Mode Preference for Media
enterprise parameter.
Parameters used in Phone
Timer Invite Expires
(seconds) This field specifies the time, in seconds, after which a SIP INVITE
expires. The Expires header uses this value. Valid values include any
positive number; 180 specifies the default.
Timer Regis t e r D e l t a
(seconds) Use this parameter in conjunction with the Timer Register Expires
setting. The phone will reregister Timer Register Delta seconds before
the registration period ends. The registration period gets dete rm ined by
the value of the SIP Station Keepalive Interval service para me te r. Valid
values range from 32767 to 0. Default specifies 5.
Timer Register Expires
(seconds) This field specifies the value that the phone that is running SIP will send
in the Expires header of the REGISTER message. Valid values include
any positive number; however, 3600 (1 hour) specifies the default value.
In the 200OK response to REGISTER, Cisco Unified Communications
Manager will include an Expires header with the configured value of the
SIP Station KeepAlive Interval service parameter. This value in the
200OK determines the time, in seconds, after which the registration
expires. The phone will refresh the registration Timer Register Delta
seconds before the end of this interval.
Table 101-1 SIP Profile Configuration Settings (continued)
Field Description