Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 117 User/Phone Add Configuration
User and Device Configuration Settings
User and Device Configuration Settings
The End User, Phone, DN, and LA Configuration window in Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Administration provides a single window that allows you to perform the basic steps that are required to
add a new user and assign the user to a new phone. While you add a new end user and associate the end
user with a new phone, you can configure a new directory number (DN) and line appearance (LA)
information for the new end phone.
The End User, Phone, DN, and LA Configuration window, which does not allow you to enter existing
end users, phones, or directory numbers, adds records of the following types:
End users
Directory numbers
Device profiles
Voicemail profile
Note You can modify end user information only if synchronization with an LDAP server is not enabled. To
verify that the Enable Synchronizing from LDAP Server check box is not checked, choose System >
LDAP > LDAP System. If synchronization is enabled (checked), access to the End User, Phone, DN,
and LA Configuration window is blocked.
Table 117-1 describes the end user configuration settings. For r elated pr oced ure s, see t he “Related
Topics” section on page 117-4.
Tab le 117-1 User and Device Configuration Settings
Field Description
User Information
User ID Enter the end user identification name. Cisco Unified Communications
Manager does not permit modifying the user ID after it is created. You
may use the following special characters: =, +, <, >, #, ;, \, , "", and blank
Password Enter five or more alphanumeric or special characters for the end user
password. You may use the following special characters: =, +, <, >, #, ;,
\, , “”, and blank spaces.
Confirm Password Enter the end user password again.
PIN Enter five or more numeric characters for the Personal Identification
Confirm PIN Enter the PIN again.
Last Name Enter the end user last name. You may use the following special
characters: =, +, <, >, #, ;, \, , “”, and blank spaces.
Middle Name Enter the end user middle name. You may use the following special
characters: =, +, <, >, #, ;, \, , “”, and blank spaces.
First Name Enter the end user first name. You may use the following special
characters: =, +, <, >, #, ;, \, , “”, and blank spaces.