Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 91 Cisco Unified IP Phone Configuration
Phone Configuration Settings
SIP Dial Rules If required, choose the appropriate SIP dial rule. SIP dial rules provide local dial plans for
Cisco Unified IP Phones 7905, 7912, 7940, and 7960, so users do not have to press a key or
wait for a timer before the call gets processed.
Leave the SIP Dial Rules field set to <None> if you do not want dial rules to apply to the IP
phone that is running SIP. This means that the user must use the Dial softkey or wait for the
timer to expire before the call gets processed.
MTP Preferred Originating
Codec From the drop-down list box, choose the codec to use if a media termination point is required
for SIP calls.
Rerouting Calling Search
Space From the drop-down list box, choose a calling search space to use f or rerou t ing.
The rerouting calling search space of the referrer gets used to find the route to the refer-to
target. When the Refer fails due to the rerouting calling search space, the Refer Primitive
rejects the request with the “405 Method Not Allowed” message.
The redirection (3xx) primitive and transfer feature also uses the r er outin g c alli ng sear ch
space to find the redirect-to or transfer-to target.
Out-of-Dialog Refer Calling
Search Space From the drop-down list box, choose an out-of-dialog refer calling search space.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager uses the out-of-dialog (OOD) Refer Authorization
calling search space (CSS) to authorize the SIP out-of-dialog Refer. The administrator can
restrict the use of out-of-dialog Refer by configuring the OOD CSS of the Referrer. Refer
Primitive rejects the OOD Refer request with a “403 Forbidden” message.
SUBSCRIBE Calling Search
Space Supported with the Presence feature, the SUBSCRIBE calling search space determines how
Cisco Unified Communications Manager routes presence requests t hat come from the phone.
This setting allows you to apply a calling search space separate from the call-processing
search space for presence (SUBSCRIBE) requests for the phone.
From the drop-down list box, choose the SUBSCRIBE calling search space to use for presence
requests for the phone. All calling search spaces that you configure in Cisco Unified
Communications Manager Administration display in the SUBSCRIBE Calling Search Space
drop-down list box.
If you do not select a different calling search space for the end user from the drop-down list,
the SUBSCRIBE calling search space defaults to None.
To configure a SUBSCRIBE calling search space specif ically for this purpose, you configure
a calling search space as you do all calling search spaces. For information on how to configure
a calling search space, see the “Calling Search Space Configuration” section on page 53-1
Table 91-1 Phone Configuration Settings (continued)
Field Description