Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Appendix B Configuring Non-Cisco Phones That Are Running SIP
Configuration Differences for Phones That Are Running SIP
The username, swhite, must match an end user that is configured in the End User Configura tion window
of Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration (see Configuring an End User, page 114-9).
The administrator configures the SIP third-party phone with the user; for example, swhite, in t he Dige st
User field of Phone Configuration window (see Configuring Cisco Unified IP Phones, p age 91-27 ).
Note You can assign each end user ID to only one third-party phone (in the Digest User field of the Phone
Configuration window). If the same end user ID is assigned as the Digest User for multiple phones, the
third-party phones to which they are assigned will not successfully register.
Third-Party Phones That Are Running SIP and TFTPThird-party phones that are running SIP do not get configured by usi ng t he C is co Uni fied
Communications Manager TFTP server. The customer configures them by using the nat ive phone
configuration mechanism (usually a web page or tftp file). The customer must keep the device and line
configuration in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager database sync hro nized w ith t he n ative
phone configuration (for example, extension 1002 on the phone and 1002 in Ci sco Uni fied
Communications Manager). Additionally, if the directory number of a line is changed, en sure that it gets
changed in both Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration and in the native phone
configuration mechanism.
Enabling Digest Authentication for Third-Party Phones That Are Running SIPTo enable digest authentication for third-party phones that are running SIP, the administrator must create
a Phone Security Profile. (See Phone Security Profile Configuration in the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager Administration Guide.) On the Phone Security Profile Configuration window,
check the Enable Digest Authentication check box. After the security profile is c onfigured, t he
administrator must assign that security profile to the phone that is running SIP by using the Phone
Configuration window. If this check box is not checked, Cisco Unified Communications Manager will
use digest authentication for purposes of identifying the phone by the end user ID, and it will not verify
the digest password. If the check box is checked, Cisco Unified Communications Manager will verify
the password.
Note Cisco Unified Communications Manager does not support Transport Layer Secur i ty ( TLS ) fro m
third-party phones that are running SIP.
DTMF ReceptionTo require DTMF reception, check the Require DTMF Reception check box that displays on the Phone
Configuration window in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration.