Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 100 IP Phone Services Configuration
IP Phone Service Configuration Settings
Note Cisco Unified IP Phones 7912 and 7905 only support text-based XML app lica tions.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager provides sample IP phone services applications. You can also
create customized Cisco Unified IP Phone applications for your site.
After you configure the list of services, you can add services t o the phone s in t he d ata base and ass ig n
them to phone buttons. In Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration, you can view and
modify settings for phones and device profiles. Users can log on to Cisco Unified CM User Options and
subscribe to these services for their Cisco Unified IP Phones.
Table 100-1 describes the IP phone service configuration settings. See Ta ble 100-2 for in formation about
the IP phone service parameter settings. For more information about related procedures, see th e “Related
Topics” section on page 100-9.
Tab le 100-1 IP Phone Service Configuration Settings
Field Description
Service Information
Service Name Enter the name of the service as it will display on the menu of
available services in Cisco Unified CM User Options. Enter up to 32
characters for the service name.
For Java MIDlet services, the service name must exactly match the
name that is defined in the Java Application Descriptor (JAD) file.
ASCII Service Name Enter the name of the service to display if the phone cannot display
Service Description Enter a description of the content that the service provides.
Service URL Enter the URL of the server where the IP phone services application
is located. Make sure that this server remains independent of the
servers in your Cisco Unified Communications Manager cluster. Do
not specify a Cisco Unified Communications Manager server or any
server that is associated with Cisco Unified Communications Manager
(such as a TFTP server or directory database publisher server).
For the services to be available, the phones in the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager cluster must have network connectivity to
the server.
Service Category Select a service application type (XML or Java MIDlet).
Service Type Select whether the service will be provisioned to the Services,
Directories, or Messages button.
Service Vendor For Java MIDlet services, enter the service vendor that exactly
matches the vendor that is defined in the JAD file.
For XML services, you can leave this field blank.
Service Version You can leave this field blank for XML and Java MIDlet services. If
you enter a value for a Java MIDlet service, the value must exactly
match the version that is defined in the JAD file; otherwise, the
MIDlet will not install or execute.