Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
User Group ConfigurationThe role and user group menu options in the Cisco Unified C omm unica tion s M ana ger Ad mini stra tion
User Management menu allow users with full access to configure different levels of access for Cisco
Unified Communications Manager administrators. Users with full access configure roles, user groups,
and access privileges for roles. In general, full-access users configure the access of other users to Cisco
Unified Communications Manager Administration.
User groups comprise lists of application users and end users. A user may belong to multiple user groups.
After you add a user group, you then add users to a user group. Afterward, you may proceed to assign
roles to a user group. If a user belongs to multiple user groups, the MLA permission enterprise parameter
determines the effective privilege of the user.
Use the following topics to configure user groups, assign users to user groups, and v iew the r oles , us er
groups, and permissions of a user:
• Finding a User Group, page 116-1
• Configuring a User Group, page 116-2
• Deleting a User Group, page 116-3
• Adding Users to a User Group, page 116-4
• Deleting Users from a User Group, page 116-6
• Assigning Roles to a User Group, page 116-6
• Viewing User Roles, User Groups, and Permissions, page 116-7
• Related Topics, page 116-8
Finding a User Group
Because you might have several user groups in your network, Cisco Unified Communications Manager
lets you locate specific user groups on the basis of specific criteria. Use the follo wing proce dure to locate
user groups.
Note During your work in a browser session, Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration r etains
your user group search preferences. If you navigate to other menu items and return to this menu ite m,
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration retains your user group search preferen ces
until you modify your search or close the browser.