Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 91 Cisco Unified IP Phone Configuration Speed-Dial and Abbreviated-Dial Configuration Settings
Speed-Dial and Abbreviated-Dial Configuration Settings
Table 91-2 describes the speed-dial button configuration settings. The Speed Dial and Abbreviated Dial
Configuration window contains the following sections: speed-dial settings on the pho ne a nd
abbreviated-dial settings that are not associated with a button. The descriptions in Table 91-2 apply to
both sections.
The system provides a total of 99 speed-dial and abbreviated-dia l se tting s.
Speed Dial Settings
Configure these settings for the physical buttons on the phone.
Abbreviated Dial Settings
Configure these settings for the speed-dial numbers that you access with abbreviated dialing. When the
user configures up to 99 speed-dial entries, part of the speed-dial entries can get assigned to the
speed-dial buttons on the IP phone; the remaining speed-dial entries get used for abbreviated dialing.
When a user starts dialing digits, the AbbrDial softkey displays on the phone, and the user can access
any speed-dial entry by entering the appropriate index (code) for abbreviated dialing.
Note Not all Cisco Unified IP Phones support abbreviated dialing. Refer to the p hon e user guid e for
Additional Information
See the “Related Topics” section on page 91-42.
Tab le 91-2 Speed-Dial and Abbreviated-Dial Configuration Settings
Field Description
(number from 1 to 99 in
the left column) This column identifies the speed-dial button on the phone or on the Cisco
Unified IP Phone Expansion Module (for example, 1, 2, 3, or 4) or the
abbreviated-dial index for abbreviated dial.
Number Enter the number that you want the system to dial when the user presses
the speed-dial button. You can enter digits 0 through 9, *, #, and +, which
is the international escape character.
Label Enter the text that you want to display for the speed-dial button or
abbreviated-dial number.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager does not make this field
available for the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7910.
ASCII Label This field provides the same information as the Label field, but you must
limit input to ASCII characters. Devices that do not suppo rt u nic ode
(internationalized) characters display the content of the ASCII Label field.