Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 37 Automated Alternate Routing Group Configuration
AAR Group Configuration Settings
Table 37-1 describes the AAR group configuration settings. For related proce dures, see the “Re l ate d
Topics” section on page 37-5.
Additional Information
See the “Related Topics” section on page 37-5.
Tab le 37-1 AAR Group Configuration Settings
Field Description
Automated Alternate Routing Group Information
Name Enter the name that you want to assign to the new AAR group.
The name can contain up to 20 alphanumeric characters and can contain
any combination of spaces, periods (.), hyphens (-), and under sco re
characters (_).
Prefix Digits Within
Prefix Digits Enter the prefix digits to use for automated alternate routing within this
AAR group. Valid entries include numeric characters (0-9), alpha
characters (A-D), asterisk (*), pound (#), plus (+), and hyph en (- ).
Prefix Digits Between This Group and Other AA R Groups
Dial Prefix (From this
group) Enter the prefix digits to use for automated alternate routing when
routing a call from this group to a device that belongs to another AA R
Valid entries include numeric characters (0-9), alpha characters (A-D),
asterisk (*), and pound (#).
Note Prefix digits that are entered in this field for the originating AAR
group also get added in the Prefix Digits (To this group) field of
the AAR destination group.
Dial Prefix (To this group) Enter the prefix digits to use for automated alternate routing when you
are routing a call to this group from a device that belongs to another AAR
Valid entries include numeric characters (0-9), alpha characters (A-D),
asterisk (*), and pound (#).
Note Prefix digits entered in this field for the destination AAR group
also get added in the Prefix Digits (From this group) field of the
AAR originating group.