Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 90 Gateway Configuration Modifying Gateways and Ports
When you configure port 1, the Create all new ports like port 1 button displays at the top of the
Gateway Configuration window. This button allows you to configure ports 2 through 48 with the same
parameters and settings as port 1, but only if ports 2 through 48 are n ot c onfigured.
Step 13 To apply the changes, click Reset.
Additional Information
See the “Related Topics” section on page 90-104.
Modifying Gateways and PortsUsing Cisco Unified Communications Manager, you perform the following ta sks identically regardless
of the gateway type:
• Using Dependency Records, page 90-101
• Deleting Gateways, page 90-101
• Resetting and Restarting Gateways, page 90-102
• Updating Gateways and Ports, page 90-104
Using Dependency Records
Gateways and ports use a variety of configuration information such as partitions, device pools, and
directory numbers. Before updating or deleting gateways or ports, you can find configuration
information about that gateway and port by using the Dependency Reco rds li nk. To access the link,
choose Dependency Records from the Related Links drop-down list box and click Go. For more
information about this link, see the “Dependency Records” appendix.
Deleting Gateways
Complete the following steps to delete a gateway from Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
Before You Begin
If you try to delete a gateway that a route group is using, Cisco U nified Co mmu nic ations M an ager
displays a message. To find out which route groups are using the gateway, choose Dependency Records
from the Related Links drop-down list box in the Gateway Configuration window and click Go. If the
dependency records are not enabled for the system, the dependency records sum ma ry wind ow displa ys
a message. For more information about dependency records, see the “Accessing Dependency Records”
section on page A-2. Before deleting a gateway that is currently in use, you must perform either or both
of the following tasks:
• Assign a different gateway to any route groups that are using the gateway that you want to delete.
See the “Adding Devices to a Route Group” section on page 42-5.
• Delete the route groups that are using the gateway that you want to delete. See the “Deleting a Route
Group” section on page 42-6.