Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 41 Route Filter Configuration Route Filter Tag Descriptions
records, see the “Accessing Dependency Records” section on page A-2. If you try to delete a route filter
that is in use, Cisco Unified Communications Manager displays an erro r me ssage. B efore d elet ing a
route filter that is currently in use, you must perform either or both of the following tasks:
• Assign a different route filter to any route patterns/hunt pilots, translation patterns, or other items
that are using the route filter that you want to delete. See the “Configuring a Route Pattern” section
on page 44-11 and the “Configuring a Translation Pattern” section on page 60-10.
• Delete the route patterns/hunt pilots, translation patterns, or other items that are using the r oute fi lter
that you want to delete. See the “Deleting a Route Pattern” section on page 44-12 and the “Deleting
a Translation Pattern” section on page 60-11.
Step 1 From Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration, choose Call Routing > Route Filter.
Step 2 Locate the route filter that you want to delete. See the “Finding a Route Filter” section on page 41-2.
Step 3 Check the check box of the route filter that you want to delete and click Delete Selected.
A message displays that states that you cannot undo this action.
Caution Check carefully to ensure that you are deleting the correct route filter before initiating this action. You
cannot retrieve deleted route filters. If a route filter is accidentally deleted, you must rebuild it.
Step 4 To delete the route filter, click OK or to cancel the deletion, click Cancel.
Tip You can also delete a route filter by locating and displaying the route filte r that you want to dele te
and clicking Delete.
Additional Information
See the “Related Topics” section on page 41-10.
Route Filter Tag DescriptionsThe tag serves as the core component of a route filter. A tag applies a name to a subse t of the dialed -digit
string. For example, the NANP number 972-555-1234 comprises LOCAL-ARE A -COD E (9 72) ,
OFFICE-CODE (555), and SUBSCRIBER (1234) route filter tags.
Route filter tags require operators and can require additional values to decide which calls are filtered.
The values for route filter tag fields can contain the wild card chara cters X, *, #, [ , ], -, ^, and the numbers
0 through 9. (See Tabl e 17-5 in the “Special Characters and Settings” section of the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager System Guide for definitions of wildcard characters.) The descriptions in
Table 41-2 use the notations [2-9] and XXXX to represent actual digits . In this notation, [2-9] represents
any single digit in the range 2 through 9, and X represents any si ngle d igit in t he ra nge 0 t hroug h 9.
Therefore, the description “The three-digit area code in the form [2-9]XX” means that y ou can ente r the
actual digits 200 through 999, or all wildcards, or any mixture of actual digits and wildcards that results
in a pattern with that range.