Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 44 Route Pattern Configuration Route Pattern Configuration Settings
Authorization Level Enter the authorization level for the route pattern. Th e number tha t you specify
in this field determines the minimum authorization level that is needed to
successfully route a call through this route pattern.
Tip To activate the authorization code, you must check the Require
Forced Authorization Code. If you do not check the check box, a
message displays when you insert the route pattern that indicates that
the authorization code cannot be activated. To activate the code, click
Cancel, check the Require Forced Authorization Code check box,
and click Insert. To activate the code at a later time, click OK.
Require Client Matter
Code If you want to use client matter codes with this route pattern, check this check
The CMC feature does not support overlap sending because the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager cannot determine when to promp t t he us er f or t he
code. If you check the Allow Overlap Sending check box, the Require Client
Matter Code check box become disabled.
Calling Party Transformations
Use Calling Party’s
External Phone
Number Mask
Check the check box if you want the full, external phone number to be used
for calling line identification (CLID) on outgoing calls. You may also
configure an External Phone Number Mask on all phone devices.
Note The calling party transformation settings that are assigned to the route
groups in a route list override any calling party transformation settings
that are assigned to a route pattern that is associate d wit h tha t route
Calling Party
Transform M a s k Enter a transformation mask value. Valid entries for the NANP include the
digits 0 through 9; the wildcard characters X, asterisk (*), and octothorpe (#);
the international escape character +; and blank. I f th is field is bl ank a nd the
preceding field is not checked, no calling party transformation takes place. See
the “Calling Party Number Transformations Settings” section in the Cisco
Unified Communications Manager Sy s te m G ui d e f or mo re inf orm ati on .
Prefix Digits
(Outgoing Calls) Enter prefix digits in the Prefix Digits (Outgoing Calls) field. Valid entries for
the NANP include the digits 0 through 9, the wildcard characters asterisk (*)
and octothorpe (#), the international escape character +, and blank.
Note The appended prefix digit does not affect which directory numbers
route to the assigned device.
Calling Line ID
Presentation Cisco Unified Communications Manager uses calling line ID presentation
(CLIP/CLIR) as a supplementary service to allow or restrict the originating
caller phone number on a call-by-call basis.
Choose whether you want the Cisco Unified Communications Manager to
allow or restrict the display of the calling party phone number on the called
party phone display for this route pattern.
Choose Default if you do not want to change calling line ID presentation.
Choose Allowed if you want Cisco Unified Communications Manager to allow
the display of the calling number. Choose Restricted if you want Cisco Unified
Communications Manager to block the display of the calling number.
Table 44-1 Route Pattern Configuration Settings (continued)
Field Description