Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
LDAP Directory Configuration
LDAP directory configuration takes place in three related windows:
LDAP System
LDAP Directory
LDAP Authentication
Use the following topics to configure LDAP directory information:
LDAP Directory Configuration Settings, page 15-1
Finding an LDAP Directory, page 15-4
Configuring an LDAP Directory, page 15-5
Deleting an LDAP Directory, page 15-6
Related Topics, page 15-6

LDAP Directory Configuration Settings

In the LDAP Directory window, you specify information about the LDAP directory; for example, the
name of the LDAP directory, where the LDAP users exist, how often to synchronize the data, and so on.
Table 15-1 describes the LDAP directory configuration settings. For related procedures, see the “Relate d
Topics” section on page 15-6.
Before You Begin
Before you can synchronize the LDAP directory, you must activate the Cisco DirSync service. For
information about how to activate services, refer to the Cisco Unified Serviceability Administration
Changes to LDAP Directory information and LDAP Authentication settings are possible only if
synchronization from the customer LDAP directory is enabled in t he Ci sco Uni fied Co mmuni cat ion s
Manager Administration LDAP System window.