Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 91 Cisco Unified IP Phone Configuration Modifying Phone Button Template Button Items
Step 3 To apply the changes, click Save.
Step 4 To close the window, click Close.
Additional Information
• See the “Related Topics” section on page 91-42.
• Cisco Unified Mobility, Cisco Unified Communications Manager Features and Services Guide
Modifying Phone Button Template Button ItemsWhen you configure a phone and associate it with a custom, nonstan dard phone button template, you can
modify the phone button items in the associated phone button templa te. Wh en y ou do so, yo u cr eat e a
new phone button template that is customized for this particular phone. The new phone button template
displays in the list of phone button templates with a name of the format “SEP999999999999-Individual
Template,” where 999999999999 specifies the MAC address of the phone.
Note You cannot perform this procedure if the phone is associated with a standard phone button template. You
must first associate this phone with a custom, nonstandard phone te mpl ate.
To modify the button items of a custom, nonstandard phone button template, perform the following steps.
Step 1 Choose Device > Phone.
The Find and List Phones window displays.
Step 2 To locate a specific phone, enter search criteria and click Find.
A list of phones that match the search criteria displays.
Step 3 Choose the phone for which you want to modify the phone button ite ms.
The Phone Configuration window displays.
Step 4 Click Modify Button Items in the Association Information area on the left side of the window.
A popup window warns you that unsaved changes (to the phone) may be lost. If you have made changes
to the phone configuration, click Cancel and save those changes before proceeding.
Step 5 To continue, click OK.
The Reorder Phone Button Configuration windo w dis plays. This win dow co mprise s the foll owi ng pane s:
• Associated Items—This pane displays a list of the items that are assigned to the phone buttons in
this phone button template. The system assigns the first item in the list to button 1, the second item
to button 2, and so forth.
• Unassigned Associated Items—This pane displays a list of the items that are not assigned to phone
buttons in this phone button template.
• Dissociate These Items—This pane displays a list of the items that cannot presently be assigned to
a phone button.