Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 64 Directory Number Configuration
Directory Number Configuration Settings
Multiple Call/Call Waiting Settings on Device [device name ]
Note These fields display only after you associate this directory number with a device.
Maximum Number of Calls You can configure up to 200 calls for a line on a de vice, w ith the limiting factor bein g the total
number of calls that are configured on the device. As you configure the number of calls for
one line, the calls that are available for another line decrease.
The default specifies 4. If the phone does not allow multiple ca lls fo r ea c h li ne, the d efau lt
specifies 2.
For CTI route points, you can configure up to 10,000 calls for each port. The d efault specifies
5000 calls. Use this field in conjunction with the Busy Trigger field.
Note Although the default specifies 5000 calls for maximum number of active calls that ca n
be configured on a CTI route point, Cisco recommends that yo u set th e maxim um
number of calls to no more than 200 per route point. This will prevent system
performance degradation. If the CTI application needs m ore t han 20 0 c al ls, C isco
recommends that you configure multiple CTI route points.
Tip To review how this setting works for devices with shared line appearances, refer to
“Shared Line Appearance” in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager System
Busy Trigger This setting, which works in conjunction with Maximum Number of Calls and Call Forward
Busy, determines the maximum number of calls to be presented at the line. If maximum
number of calls is set for 50 and the busy trigger is set to 40, incoming call 41 gets rejected
with a busy cause (and will get forwarded if Call Forward Busy is set). If this line is shared,
all the lines must be busy before incoming calls get rejected.
Use this field in conjunction with Maximum Number of Calls for CTI route po ints. The default
specifies 4500 calls.
Tip To review how this setting works for devices with shared line appearances, refer to
“Shared Line Appearance” in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager System
Forwarded Call Information Display on Device [device name]
Note These fields display only after you associate this directory number with a device.
Caller Name Checking this check box will cause the caller name to display upon call forward.
Caller Number Checking this check box will cause the caller number to display upon call forward.
Redirected Number Checking this check box will cause the number that was redirected to display upon call
Dialed Number Checking this check box will cause the original dialed number to display upon call forward.
Table 64-1 Directory Number Configuration Settings (continued)
Field Description