Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
LDAP Authentication ConfigurationIn Cisco Unified Communications Manager, LDAP directory configuration takes place in the following
• LDAP System
• LDAP Directory
• LDAP Authentication
You can make changes to LDAP directory information and LDAP authentication settings only if
synchronization with the customer LDAP directory is enabled in the Ci sco U n ified Comm unic a tions
Manager Administration LDAP System window.
Use the following topics to configure LDAP authentication information:
• LDAP Authentication Configuration Settings, page 16-1
• Updating LDAP Authentication Information, page 16-4
• Related Topics, page 16-5
LDAP Authentication Configuration Settings
The authentication process verifies the identity of the user by validating the user ID and password/PIN
before granting access to the system. Verification takes place against th e Cisco Unified Communica tions
Manager database or the LDAP corporate directory.
You can only configure LDAP authentication if you enable LDAP synchronization in the LDAP System
When both synchronization and LDAP authentication are enabled, the system always authenticates
application users and end user PINs against the Cisco Unified Communications Ma nager database. End
user passwords get authenticated against the corporate directory; thus, end users need to use their
corporate directory password.
When only synchronization is enabled (and LDAP authentication is not enabled), end users get
authenticated against the Cisco Unified Communications Manager database. In this case, th e
administrator can configure a password in the End User Configuration window in Ci sco Un ified
Communications Manager Administration.