Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
License Unit CalculatorThis chapter contains information on the following topics:
• Calculating License Units, page 31-1
• Related Topics, page 31-2
Calculating License Units
Use this window to calculate the number of phone unit licenses that are required for a specific
configuration of a type of phones and number of phones of eac h t ype. A d evice licen se u nit r efer s to a
fixed number of license units that corresponds to each phone type. Cis co U nified IP Wireless Phone
7920 requires four license units, and a Cisco Unified IP Phone 7970 requires five units. If you are adding
four 7920 phones and four 7970 phones, you require 36 phone license units.
For more information about the different types of device license units, see Licensing in the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager System Guide.
Use the following procedure to calculate the number o f phone licenses that are required when the number
of phone types and the total number of phones per phone t ype a re ent ere d.
Step 1 Choose System > Licensing> License Unit Calculator.
The License Unit Calculator window displays. The numbe r of license units that are consumed per device
displays, corresponding to the node or device.
Step 2 In the Number of Devices column, update the number of needed devices, correspondin g to each node or
Step 3 Click Calculate.
The total number of Cisco Unified Communications Manager node license units and phone license units
Additional Information
See the “Related Topics” section on page 31-2.