Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 40 SIP Dial Rules Configuration
Resetting a SIP Dial Rule
Resetting a SIP Dial RulePerform the following procedure to reset or restart the phone that is r unning SIP when the SIP dial rule
gets updated, so the phone gets updated with the new SIP dial rul e.
Step 1 From Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration, choose Call Routing > Dial Rules >
SIP Dial Rules.
Step 2 Locate the SIP dial rule that you want to reset. See the “Finding a SIP Dial Rule” section on page 40-3.
Step 3 Click the SIP dial rule that you want to reset.
The SIP Dial Rule Configuration window displays.
Step 4 Click Reset.
The Device Reset dialog displays.
Step 5 Click one of the following choices:
• Restart—Restarts the chosen devices without shutting them down (reregisters the phones with
Cisco Unified Communications Manager).
• Reset—Shuts down, then restarts, the device.
• Close—Closes the Reset Device dialog without performing any action.
Additional Information
See the “Related Topics” section on page 40-9.
Synchronizing Configuration of a SIP Dial Rule with Affected SIP PhonesTo synchronize a SIP phone with a SIP Dial Rule that has undergone configuration changes, perform the
following procedure, which will apply any outstanding configuration settings in the least-intrusive
manner possible. (For example, a reset/restart may not be required on som e a ffected SIP pho nes.)
Step 1 Choose Device > Dial Rules> SIP Dial Rule.
The Find and List SIP Dial Rules window displays.
Step 2 Choose the search criteria to use.
Step 3 Click Find.
The window displays a list of SIP Dial Rules that match the search criteria.
Step 4 Click the SIP Dial Rule to which you want to synchronize applicable SIP phones. The SIP Dial Rule
Configuration window displays.
Step 5 Make any additional configuration changes.