Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Bulk Administration Tool (BAT)
The Cisco Unified Communications Manager Bulk Administration Tool (BAT), a web-based application,
performs bulk transactions to the Cisco Unified Communications Manager database. BAT lets you add,
update, or delete a large number of similar phones, users, or ports at the same time. When you use Cisco
Unified Communications Manager Administration, each database transaction requires an individual
manual operation, while BAT automates the process and achieves faster add, update, and delete
You can use BAT to work with the following types of devices and records:
Add, update, and delete Cisco Unified IP Phones including voice gateway (VGC) phones, computer
telephony interface (CTI) ports, and H.323 clients
Add, update, and delete users
Add, update, and delete User Device Profiles
Add, update, and delete Cisco Unified Communications Manager Assistant managers and assistants
Add, update, and delete ports on a Cisco Catalyst 6000 FXS Analog Int erface Mo dule
Add or delete Cisco VG200 and Cisco VG224 analog gateways and ports
Add or delete Forced Authorization Codes
Add or delete Client Matter Codes
Add or delete Call Pickup Groups
Update or export CUP/CUPC users
Populate or depopulate the Region Matrix
Insert, delete, or export the Access List
Export or import configuration
Insert, delete, or export Remote Destination and Remote Destination Profile
You can also work with these devices in combination with the user information. For example, when you
add CTI ports and users, BAT allows you to “Enable CTI Application Use.” This saves time when you
are adding users who have applications that require a CTI port, such as Cisco IP Softphone.
An optional component of BAT, the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Auto-Register Phone Tool
(TAPS), further reduces the manual labor that is involved in administering a large system. When you
need to add a large block of new phones, you can use BAT to add the devices with dummy media access
control (MAC) addresses instead of entering each MAC address in the data input file. After the phones
are installed, the phone users or the administrator can call the TAPS directory number, follow the voice
prompts, and download the correct user device profiles for their phones.