Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
ADependency Records
This appendix provides information about the dependency record windows in Cisco Unified
Communications Manager Administration. These windows help you to determine which records in the
database use other records. For example, you can determine which devices (such as CTI route points or
phones) use a particular calling search space.
If you need to delete a record from Cisco Unified Communications Manager, you can use dependency
records to show which records are associated with the record that you want to delete. You can then
reconfigure those records, so they are associated w it h a di fferent re co rd.
This appendix contains the following sections:
• Enabling Dependency Records, page A-1
• Disabling Dependency Records, page A-2
• Accessing Dependency Records, page A-2
• Dependency Records Buttons, page A-4
Enabling Dependency Records
To access dependency records, you must first enable them. The system disables dependency records by
default. To enable the dependency records, perform the following procedure.
Caution Enabling the dependency records functionality causes high CPU usage. This task executes at
below-normal priority and may take time to complete due to dial p lan size and complexity, CPU speed,
and the CPU requirements of other applications.
Step 1 Choose System > Enterprise Parameters
Step 2 Scroll to the CCMAdmin Parameters area of the window.
Step 3 From the Enable Dependency Records drop-down list box, choose True.
A dialog box displays with a message about the consequences of enabling t he dependency records. Read
the information carefully before clicking OK.