Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 92 Trunk Configuration Trunk Configuration Settings
Remote Cisco Unified Communications Manager Information
(for non-gatekeeper-controlled intercluster trunks)
Server 1 IP Address/Host Name Enter the IP address or host name of the first remote Cisco Unified
Communications Manager that this trunk accesses.
Server 2 IP Address/Host Name Enter the IP address or host name of the second remote Cisco
Unified Communications Manager that this trunk accesses.
Note If this non-gatekeeper-controlled intercluster trunk accesses
the device pool of a remote non-gatekeeper-controlled
intercluster trunk and that device pool has a second Cisco
Unified Communications Manager node, you must enter the
second remote Cisco Unified Communications Manager IP
address/host name in this field.
Server 3 IP Address/Host Name Enter the IP address or host name of the third remote Cisco Unified
Communications Manager that this trunk accesses.
Note If this non-gatekeeper-controlled intercluster trunk accesses
the device pool of a remote non-gatekeeper-controlled
intercluster trunk and that device pool has a third Cisco
Unified Communications Manager node, you must enter the
third remote Cisco Unified Communications Manager IP
address/host name in this field.
UUIE Configuration
Passing Precedence Level
Through UUIE Check this check box to enable passing MLPP information thr oug h
the PRI 4ESS UUIE field. The system uses this box for interworking
with DRSN switch.
The system makes this check box available only if the PRI Protocol
Type value of PRI 4ESS is specified for this trunk.
The default value specifies unchecked.
Security Access Level Enter the value for the security access level. Valid values include 00
through 99. The system makes this field available only if the Passing
Precedence Level Through UUIE check box is checked. The default
value specifies 2.
Table 92-1 Trunk Configuration Settings for H.225 and Intercluster Trunks (continued)
Field Description