Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Time Period Configuration
Use the following topics to add, update, copy, or delete a time period:
Time Period Configuration Settings, page 50-1
Finding a Time Period, page 50-3
Configuring a Time Period, page 50-4
Deleting a Time Period, page 50-5
Related Topics, page 50-6

Time Period Configuration Settings

A time period comprises a time range that is defined by a start time and end time. Time periods also
specify a repetition interval either as days of the week or a specified date on the yearly calendar. You
define time periods and then associate the time periods with time schedules. A particular time period can
be associated with multiple time schedules.
You then associate time schedules with partitions to set up time-of-day call routing. For more detailed
information on time periods and time schedules, refer to “Time-of-Day Routing” in the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager System Guide.
Table 50-1 describes the time period configuration settings. For related proc edur es, s ee the “Related
Topics” section on page 50-6.