Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 101 SIP Profile Configuration SIP Profile Configuration Settings
Timer T1 (msec) This field specifies the lowest value, in milliseconds, of the
retransmission timer for SIP messages. Valid values include any positiv e
number. Default specifies 500.
Timer T2 (msec) This field specifies the highest value, in milliseconds, of the
retransmission timer for SIP messages. Valid values include any positiv e
number. Default specifies 4000.
Retry INVITE This field specifies the maximum number of times that an INVITE
request will be retransmitted. Valid values include any positive number.
Default specifies 6.
Retry Non-INVITE This field specifies the maximum number of times that a SIP message
other than an INVITE request will be retransmitted. Valid v alues i nclude
any positive number. Default specifies 10.
Start Media Port This field designates the start real-time protocol (RTP) port for media.
Media port ranges from 16384 to 32766. Default specifies 16384.
Stop Media Port This field designates the stop real-time protocol (RTP) port for media.
Media port ranges from 16384 to 32766. Default specifies 32766.
Call Pickup URI This URI provides a unique address that the phone that is running SIP
will send to Cisco Unified Communications Manager to invoke the call
pickup feature.
Call Pickup Group Other
URI This URI provides a unique address that the phone that is running SIP
will send to Cisco Unified Communications Manager to invoke the call
pickup group other feature.
Call Pickup Group URI This URI provides a unique address that the phone that is running SIP
will send to Cisco Unified Communications Manager to invoke the call
pickup group feature.
Meet Me Service URI This URI provides a unique address that the phone that is running SIP
will send to Cisco Unified Communications Manager to invoke the meet
me conference feature.
User Info This field configures the user= parameter in the REGISTER message.
Valid values follow:
none—No value gets inserted.
phone—The value user=phone gets inserted in the To, From, and
Contact Headers for REGISTER.
ip—The value user=ip gets inserted in the To, From, and Contact
Headers for REGISTER.
DTMF DB Level This field specifies in-band DTMF digit tone level. Valid values follow:
1 to 6 dB below nominal
2 to 3 dB below nominal
3 nominal
4 to 3 dB above nominal
5 to 6 dB above nominal
Table 101-1 SIP Profile Configuration Settings (continued)
Field Description