Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Default Device Profile ConfigurationUse the default device profile for whenever a user logs on to a phone model for which no user device
profile exists. To create a default device profile for each phone model that supports Cisco Extension
Mobility, use the Default Device Profile Configuration window . The maximum numb er of default de vice
profiles cannot exceed the number of phone models that support C is co E xten sio n Mo bi lity .
For example, a user logs on to a Cisco Unified IP Phone 7960, for which there is a user device profile.
The user device profile for the user gets downloaded to the phone to which the user logged on. Later, the
same user logs on to a Cisco Unified IP Phone 7940, for which he do es not have a user d evice profile.
In this case, the default device profile for the 7940 gets downloaded to the phone.
A default device profile comprises the set of attributes ( services an d/or fe atures) th at are ass ociated wit h
a particular device. Device profiles include device type, user locale, phone button template, softkey
template, Join Across Lines and Single Button Barge feature settings, multilevel precedence and
preemption (MLPP) information, and IP phone services.
This chapter contains information on the following topics:
• Default Device Profile Configuration Settings, page 96-1
• Configuring a Default Device Profile, page 96-6
• Deleting a Default Device Profile, page 96-7
• Related Topics, page 96-7
Default Device Profile Configuration Settings
Use the default device profile for whenever a user logs on to a phone model for which no user device
profile exists. To create a default device profile for each phone model that supports Cisco Extension
Mobility, use the Default Device Profile Configuration window . The maximum numb er of default de vice
profiles cannot exceed the number of phone models that support C is co E xten sio n Mo bi lity .
For example, a user logs on to a Cisco Unified IP Phone 7960, for which there is a user device profile.
The user device profile for the user gets downloaded to the phone to which the user logged on. Later, the
same user logs on to a Cisco Unified IP Phone 7940, for which he do es not have a user d evice profile.
In this case, the default device profile for the 7940 gets downloaded to the phone.
A default device profile comprises the set of attributes ( services an d/or fe atures) th at are ass ociated wit h
a particular device. The default device profile contains attributes such a s d evice typ e, p hon e te m plate ,
user locale, expansion modules, softkey template, Join Across Lines and Single Button Barge feature
settings, and MLPP information.