Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 8 Region Configuration Configuring a Region
Configuring a Region
Use the following procedure to add or update a region.
Before You Begin
For every region, an association exists with that region in other regions; th erefore, the addition of regions
occurs in a matrixlike fashion. For example, if you add regions A, B, and C, a matrix with region A,
region B, and region C as both columns and rows results, as shown in the following matrix:
If you assign 20 regions, the database adds 400 entries (20 x 20). Some per fo rmanc e l imita tion s exist
when large numbers of regions are assigned.
Note Cisco Unified Communications Manager allows addition of a maximum of 2000 r egions.
Configuring Default Values
Region entries contain the following values:
Audio Codec—You define audio codec values that are to be used within the same region, and you
also define audio codec values that are to be used between regions.
Video Call Bandwidth—You define video call bandwidth values that are to be used within the same
region, and you also define video call bandwidth values that are to be used between regions.
Link Loss Type—You define the link loss types that are to be used within the same region, and you
also define link loss types that are to be used between regions.
Tip If you set both the audio codec values and the video call bandwidth values to use the defa ult, the system
optimizes its performance by making more efficient use of resources.
Note Regions have default values for use within a region (the recommended default value specifies G.711),
and regions have default values for use between regions (the recommended default value specifies
You configure the default values for regions in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Administration Service Parameters Configuration window. Use the following procedure:
1. Choose System > Service Parameters.
2. From the drop-down Server list box, choose the Cisco Unified Communications Manager server that
you want to configure.
3. From the drop-down Service list box, choose Cisco CallManager (Active) as the service.
Region A Region B Region C
Region A
Region B
Region C