Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 91 Cisco Unified IP Phone Configuration
Configuring Speed-Dial Buttons or Abbreviated Dialing
Step 3 Perform one of the following actions:
• Check the check boxes next to the phones that you want to delete and click Delete Selected.
• Delete all the phones in the window by clicking Select All and clicking Delete Selected.
• Choose the name of the phone that you want to delete from the l ist to display its current settings and
click Delete.
A confirmation dialog displays.
Step 4 Click OK.
Additional Information
See the “Related Topics” section on page 91-42.
Configuring Speed-Dial Buttons or Abbreviated DialingYou use Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration to configure speed-dial buttons for
phones if you want to provide speed-dial buttons for users or if you ar e c onfiguri ng pho ne s tha t d o n ot
have a specific user who is assigned to them. Users use Cisco Unified CM User Options to change the
speed-dial buttons on their phones.
Table 91-2 describes the speed-dial button and abbreviated dialing configuration settings. The Speed
Dial and Abbreviated Dial Configuration window contains the following sections: speed-dial settings on
the phone and abbreviated-dial settings that are not associated with a button. The descriptions in
Table 91-2 apply to both sections.
The system provides a total of 99 speed-dial and abbreviated-dia l se tting s.
Speed Dial Settings
Configure these settings for the physical buttons on the phone.
Abbreviated Dial Settings
Configure these settings for the speed-dial numbers that you access with abbreviated dialing. When the
user configures up to 99 speed-dial entries, part of the speed-dial entries can get assigned to the
speed-dial buttons on the IP phone; the remaining speed-dial ent r ies get used for abb reviated dial ing .
When a user starts dialing digits, the AbbrDial softkey displays on the phone, and the user can access
any speed-dial entry by entering the appropriate index (code) for abbreviated dialing.
Note Not all Cisco Unified IP Phones support abbreviated dialing. Refer to the p hon e use r guid e for
Step 1 From the Phone Configuration window, choose Add/Update Speed Dials from the Related Links
drop-down list box at the top of the window and click Go.
The Speed Dial and Abbreviated Dial Configuration window displays for this phone.