Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Device Profile ConfigurationA device profile comprises the set of attributes (services and/or features) that are associated with a
particular device. Device profiles include name, description, phone templ ate, ad d-o n m od ules, so ft key
templates, feature settings, multilevel precedence and preemption (M LP P) in for ma tion, di rec tory
numbers, subscribed services, and speed-dial information. You can assign the user device profile to a
user, so, when the user logs in to a device, the user device profile that you have assigned to that user
loads onto that device as a default login device profile. After a user device profile is loaded onto the
phone, the phone picks up the attributes of that device profile.
You can also assign a user device profile to be the default logout device profile for a particular device.
When a user logs out of a phone, for instance, the logout device profile loads onto the ph one a nd gives
that phone the attributes of the logout device profile. In the Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Administration windows, you can create, modify , or delete the user de vice pr ofile . If a user d evice profi le
is used as the logout device profile, you cannot delete the u ser device pr ofile.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager also supports a device profile default. Use th e device profile
default for whenever a user logs on to a phone model for which no user device profile exists. To create
a device profile default for each phone model that supports Cisco Extension Mobility, use the Device
Profile Default Configuration window. The maximum number of device profile defaults cannot exceed
the number of phone models that support Cisco Extension Mobility. For more information about the
device profile default, see the “Default Device Profile Configuration” section on page 96-1.
Use the following topics to configure and locate device profiles:
• Device Profile Configuration Settings, page 97-1
• Finding a Device Profile, page 97-8
• Configuring a Device Profile, page 97-8
• Deleting a Device Profile, page 97-11
Device Profile Configuration Settings
A device profile comprises the set of attributes (services and/or features) that are associated with a
particular device. Device profiles include name, description, phone templ ate, ad d-o n m od ules, so ft key
templates, feature settings, multilevel precedence and preemption (M LP P) in for ma tion, di rec tory
numbers, subscribed services, and speed-dial information. You can assign the user device profile to a
user, so, when the user logs in to a device, the user device profile that you have assigned to that user
loads onto that device as a default login device profile. After a user device profile is loaded onto the
phone, the phone picks up the attributes of that device profile.