Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Transcoder Configuration
Use the following topics to configure transcoders:
Transcoder Configuration Settings, page 78-1
Finding a Transcoder, page 78-3
Configuring a Transcoder, page 78-4
Resetting a Transcoder, page 78-5
Synchronizing a Transcoder, page 78-5
Deleting a Transcoder, page 78-6

Transcoder Configuration Settings

The Media Resource Manager (MRM) has responsibility for resource registration and resource
reservation of transcoders within a Cisco Unified Communications Manager cluster. Cisco Unified
Communications Manager simultaneously supports registration of both the Medi a Termination Point
(MTP) and transcoder and concurrent MTP and transcoder functionality within a single call.
The Cisco Unified Communications Manager invokes a transcoder on behalf of endpoint devices when
the two devices are using different codecs and would normally not be a ble to co mm unic ate. Whe n
inserted into a call, the transcoder converts the data streams between the two disparate codecs to enable
communications between them.
A transcoder control process gets created for each transcoder device that is defined in the database. Ea ch
transcoder registers with the MRM when it initializes. The MRM keeps track of the tr anscoder r esources
and advertises their availability throughout the cluster.