Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Directed Call Park
Directed Call Park allows a user to transfer a call to an av ailab le user -selecte d direc ted call par k number.
Configure directed call park numbers in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Directed Call Park
Configuration window. Configured directed call park numbers exist clusterwide. You can configure
phones that support the directed call park Busy Lamp Field (BLF) to monitor the busy/idle status of
specific directed call park numbers. Users can also use the BL F to speed d ial a dire cted call park num ber .
A user can retrieve a parked call by dialing a configured retrieval prefix followed by the directed call
park number where the call is parked.
For more information on how to use and configure the directed call park feature, refer to the Call Park
and Directed Call Park chapter in the Cisc o Un ifie d Com m un ica ti on s M a nager Features and Services