Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 45 Line Group Configuration
Line Group Configuration Settings
Table 45-1 describes the line group configuration settings.
Tab le 45-1 Line Group Configuration Settings
Field Description
Line Group Information
Line Group Name Enter a name for this line group. The name can comprise up to 50
alphanumeric characters and can contain any combination of spaces,
periods (.), hyphens (-), and underscore characters (_). Ensure tha t e ac h
line group name is unique to the route plan.
RNA Reversion Timeout Enter a time, in seconds, after which Cisco Unified Communications
Manager will distribute a call to the next available or idle membe r of this
line group or to the next line group if the call is not answ ere d a nd i f the
first hunt option, Try next member; then, try next group in Hunt List, is
chosen. The RNA Reversion Timeout applies at the line-group le vel to all
Distribution Algorithm Choose a distribution algorithm, which applies at the line-group level,
from the options in the drop-down list box:
• Top Down—If you choose this distribution algorithm, Cisco Unified
Communications Manager distributes a call to idle or available
members starting from the first idle or available member of a line
group to the last idle or available member.
• Circular—If you choose this distribution algorithm, Cisco Unified
Communications Manager distributes a call to idle or available
members starting from the (n+1)th member of a line group, where the
nth member is the member to which Cisco Unified Communications
Manager most recently extended a call. If the nth member is the last
member of a line group, Cisco Unified Communications Manager
distributes a call starting from the top of the line group.
• Longest Idle Time—If you choose this distribution algorithm, Cisco
Unified Communications Manager only distributes a call to idle
members, starting from the longest idle member to the least idle
member of a line group.
• Broadcast—If you choose this distribution algorithm, Cisco Unified
Communications Manager distributes a call to all idle or available
members of a line group simultaneously. See the Note in the
description of the Selected DN/Route Partition field for additional
limitations in using the Broadcast distribution algorithm.
The default value specifies Longest Idle Time.