Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 40 SIP Dial Rules Configuration Configuring SIP Dial Rules
Step 7 Depending on the type of dial pattern that you want to create, click Add Pattern or Add PLAR (Private
Line Automatic Ringdown [PLAR]).
Note The Add PLAR button only displays for 7940_7960_OTHER dial rules.
The SIP Dial Rule Configuration redisplays with updated information and an area to configure the dial
pattern parameters.
Step 8 From the Dial Parameter drop-down list box, choose the type of parameter by using the information as
described in Tabl e 40-1.
Step 9 Enter the appropriate value, parameter, and description for the dial rule as described in Table 40-1.
Step 10 After completing a configuration, click the Save button.
Additional Information
See the “Related Topics” section on page 40-9.
Pattern FormatsSee the following formats for the 7905_7912 and 7940_7960_OTHER patterns.
Value for 7905_7912 Pattern
• Period (.) matches any digit.
• Hyphen (-) means more digits can be entered. If this character is needed, it must appear at the end
of an individual rule. For example, 1408t5- is legal, but 1408t5-3... is i llegal.
• Pound sign (#) acts as the terminating key, and termination can be applied only after matching
hits >#. So >* means that the terminating character specifies the asterisk (*); that is, the terminating
key must follow the greater-than sign (>).
• Characters “tn” set the timeout to n seconds.
Note n equals 0-9, and a-z, which ranges from 0 to 26.
• Characters “rn” repeat the last pattern n times.
Note The characters “>#” and “tn” specify modifiers, not patterns. n equals 0-9 and a-z, which ranges
from 0 to 26. Use the repeat modifier to specify more rules in less space.
• Modifier “S” causes rule-matching to cease (that is, if a rule matche s and t he m odi fier “S” i s see n,
all other rules after that matching rule do not get used for matching).
Value for 7940_7960_OTHER Pattern
• Period (.) matches any character.
• Pound sign (#) acts as the terminating key, and termination can be applied only after matching
hits >#. So >* means that the terminating character specifies the asterisk (*); that is, the terminating
key must follow the greater-than sign (>).