Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Group Configuration
Use the following topics to add, update, or delete a Cisco Unified Communications Manager group:
• Cisco Unified Communications Manager Group Configuration Settings, page 4-1
• Finding a Cisco Unified Communications Manager Group, page 4-3
• Configuring a Cisco Unified Communications Manager Group, page 4-4
• Synchronizing a Cisco Unified Communications Manager Group with Affected Devices , p ag e 4-4
• Deleting a Cisco Unified Communications Manager Group, page 4-5
• Related Topics, page 4-6
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Group Configuration
A Cisco Unified Communications Manager Group specifies a prioritized list of up to three Cisco Unified
Communications Managers. The first Cisco Unified Communications Manager in the l ist s erves as t he
primary Cisco Unified Communications Manager for that group , and t h e ot her me mb ers of t he gro up
serve as secondary and tertiary (backup) Cisco Unified Communications M anag ers.
Each device pool has one Cisco Unified Communications Manager Group that is assigned to it. When a
device registers, it attempts to connect to the primary (first) Cisco Unified Communications Manager in
the group that is assigned to its device pool. If the primary Cisco Unified Communications Manager is
not available, the device tries to connect to the next Cisco Unified Communications Manager that is
listed in the group, and so on.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Groups provide important features for yo ur syste m:
• Redundancy—This feature enables you to designate a primary and bac kup Cisco Un ified
Communications Managers for each group.
• Call processing load balancing—This feature enables you to distribute the control of devices acro ss
multiple Cisco Unified Communications Managers.
For most systems, you need to have multiple groups, and you need to assign a single Cisco Unified
Communications Manager to multiple groups to achieve better load distribution and redundancy.