Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
voice gateways 90-1
voice mail
adding a new server and ports 84-1
adding ports with the wizard 84-6
configuration overview 83-1
configuring message waiting 85-4
configuring ports 83-7
configuring voice-mail profiles 87-3
deleting a message waiting number 85-4
deleting ports 83-9
deleting ports with the wizard 84-7
deleting voice-mail profiles 87-5
finding a message waiting number 85-2
finding ports 83-6
finding voice-mail profiles 87-2
message waiting overview 85-1
port configuration settings (table) 83-1
port wizard configuration overview 84-1
port wizard device information configuration
settings 84-2
port wizard directory number configuration
settings 84-4
port wizard related topics 84-7
profile configuration overview 87-1
related topics 83-9
synchronizing profile configuration to applicable
devices 87-4
voice-mail profiles configuration settings
(table) 87-1
voice-mail pilot
configuration overview 86-1
configuration settings (table) 86-1
configuring 86-3
deleting 86-4
finding 86-2
related topics 86-5
voice-mail pilot numbers
dependency records 86-4
voice mail ports
synchronizing configuration 83-8
voice-mail ports
dependency records 83-9
voice-mail profiles
configuration overview 87-1
configuration settings (table) 87-1
configuring 87-3
deleting 87-5
dependency records 87-5
finding 87-2
related topics 87-5
web browsers 1-2