Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 92 Trunk Configuration
Configuring a Trunk
Configuring a Trunk Perform the following procedure to add a new trunk device or update an exi stin g trunk d evice.
Note You can configure multiple trunk devices per Cisco Unified Communications Manager cluster.
Before You Begin
Configure SIP Trunk Security Profiles and SIP Profiles before you configure a SIP Trunk. For more
information, see the “Configuring SIP Profiles” section on page 101-10, SIP Trunk Security Profile
Configuration, and the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Security Guide.
Step 1 Choose Device > Trunk.
The Find and List Trunks window displays.
Step 2 Perform one of the followings tasks:
• To add a new trunk device, click the Add New button. The Trunk Configuration window displays.
Continue with Step 3.
• To update trunk settings, locate the appropriate trunk as described in “Finding a Trunk” section on
page 92-46. Click the name of the trunk that you want to update. Continue with Step 6.
Step 3 From the Trunk Type drop-down list, choose the type of trunk.
Step 4 If applicable, from the Device Protocol drop-down list, choose the device protoc ol.
Step 5 Click Next.
Step 6 On the Trunk Configuration window that displays, enter the appropriate settings for
gatekeeper-controlled H.225 trunks, gatekeeper-controlled intercluster trunk s, an d
non-gatekeeper-controlled intercluster trunks as described in Tab le 92-1 . For SIP trunks, enter the
appropriate settings as described in Table 92-2.
Step 7 To add the new trunk, click Save.
The trunk gets added to the database.
If you are updating an existing trunk, click Apply Config to apply the new settings (this may also restart
the device). For more information about the Apply Config button, see the “Synchronizing a Trunk”
section on page 92-50.
Note Resetting a trunk drops any calls in progress that are using that trunk. Restarting a gateway tries
to preserve the calls in progress that are using that gateway , if p ossi ble. Oth er d evices wait until
calls complete before restarting or resetting. Resetting/restarting an H.323 or SIP device does
not physically reset/restart the hardware; it only reinitializes the configuration that is loaded by
Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Additional Topics
See the “Related Topics” section on page 92-51.