Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 5 Phone NTP Reference Configuration
Deleting the Phone NTP Reference
Step 3 Enter the appropriate settings as described in Ta ble 5-1.
Step 4 To save the configuration in the database, click the Save icon that displays in the tool bar in the upper,
left corner of the window (or click the Save button that displays at the bottom of the window).
Next Steps
After you add a new phone NTP reference to the Cisco Unified Communications Manager database,
assign it to a date/time group. For more information, refer to the “Configuring a Date/Time Group”
section on page 6-4.
Additional Information
See the “Related Topics” section on page 5-5.
Deleting the Phone NTP ReferenceThis section describes how to delete a phone NTP reference from t he C isco U nified Com mu nicat ions
Manager database.
Before You Begin
Before you can delete the phone NTP reference from Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Administration, you must delete the phone NTP reference from the dat e/ tim e gr oup . To find which
date/time groups use the phone NTP reference, choose Dependency Records from the Related Links
drop-down list box in the Phone NTP Reference Configuration window and click Go. When you know
which date/time groups use the phone NTP reference, you can then remove that phone NTP reference
from that group.
If the dependency records feature is not enabled for the system, the dependency records summary
window displays a message that shows the action that you can take to enable the dependency records;
the message also displays information about high CPU consumption that is related to the dependency
records feature. For more information about dependency records, refer to the “Accessing Dependency
Records” section on page A-2.
Step 1 By using the procedure in the “Finding the Phone NTP References” section on page 5-2, find the phone
NTP reference.
Step 2 To delete multiple phone NTP references, check the check boxes next to the appropriate phone NTP
references in the Find and List window; then, click the Delete Selected icon or the Delete Selected
Step 3 To delete a single phone NTP reference, perform one of the following tasks:
• In the Find and List window, check the check box next to the appropriate phone NTP reference; then,
click the Delete Selected icon or the Delete Selected button.
• In the Find and List window, click the Name link for the phone NTP reference. After the Phone NTP
Reference Configuration window for that specific phone NTP reference displays, click the Delete
Selected icon or the Delete Selected button.