Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Time Schedule Configuration
Use the following topics to find, add, update, copy, or delete a time schedule:
Time Schedule Configuration Settings, page 51-1
Finding a Time Schedule, page 51-2
Configuring a Time Schedule, page 51-4
Deleting a Time Schedule, page 51-4
Related Topics, page 51-5

Time Schedule Configuration Settings

A time schedule comprises a group of time periods. Time schedules get assigned to partitions. Time
schedules determine the partitions where calling devices search when they are attempting to complet e a
call during a particular time of day. Multiple time schedules can use a single time period.
For more detailed information on time schedules, refer to “Time-of-Day Routing” in the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager System Guide.
Table 51-1 describes the time schedule configuration settings.
Tab le 51-1 Time Schedule Configuration Settings
Field Description
Time Schedule Information
Name Enter a name in the Name field. The name can comprise up to 50
alphanumeric characters and can contain any combination of spaces,
periods (.), hyphens (-), and underscore characters (_). Ensure each time
schedule name is unique to the plan.
Note Use concise and descriptive names for your time schedules.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager provides the All the time time
schedule. This special, system time schedule includes all days and all
hours, is published to end users, and cannot be deleted; this time schedu le
can be copied.
Description Enter a description for this time schedule.