Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 73 Conference Bridge Configuration Cisco IOS Conference Bridge Configuration Settings
Be aware that both hardware and software conference bridges can be active at the same time. Software
and hardware conference devices differ in the number of streams and the types of codec that they
Before you configure a conference bridge, configure the device pools. See the “Deleting a Device Pool”
section on page 9-13.
Refer to the “Conference Bridges” chapter of th e Cisco Unified Communications Manager System Guide
for more information about conference bridges.
Table 73-3 describes the Cisco IOS conference bridge configuration settings. For re lated procedures, see
the “Related Topics” section on page 73-18.
Tab le 73-3 Cisco IOS Conference Bridge Configuration Settings
Field Description
Conference Bridge Type Choose Cisco IOS Conference Bridge or Cisco IOS Enhanced
Conference Bridge.
For a description of these types, refer to the “Conference Bridge Types
in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration” section of
the Cisco Unified Communications Manager System Guide.
Conference Bridge Name Enter the same name that exists in the gateway Command Line Interface
Description This field automatically generates from the conference bridge name that
you provide. You can update this field if you choose.
Device Pool Choose a device pool or choose Default.
Common Device
Configuration Choose the common device configuration to assign to the conference
bridge. The common device configuration includes attributes, such as
MOH audio source, that support features and services for phone users.
Device configurations that are configured in the Common Device
Configuration window display in the drop-down list. See Common
Device Configuration for more information.
Location Use locations to implement call admission control (CAC) in a
centralized call-processing system. CAC enables you to regulate audio
quality and video availability by limiting the amount of bandwidth that
is available for audio and video calls over links between locations. The
location specifies the total bandwidth that is available for calls to and
from this location.
From the drop-down list box, choose the appropriate location for this
conference bridge.
A location setting of Hub_None means that the locations feature does
not keep track of the bandwidth that this conference brid ge consumes. A
location setting of Phantom specifies a location that enables successful
CAC across intercluster trunks that use H.323 protocol or SIP.
To configure a new location, use the System > Location menu option.
For more details about locations, see the “Location Configuration”
section on page 17-1. For an explanation of location-based CAC across
intercluster trunks, see “Location-Based Call Admissi on Control O ver
Intercluster Trunk” in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager
System Guide.