Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Chapter 2 Server Configuration Deleting a Server
If any call park numbers are configured for Cisco Unified Communications Mana ger on the n ode
that is being deleted, the deletion fails. Before you can delete the node, you must delete the call park
numbers in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration.
If a configuration field in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration contains the IP
address or host name for a server that you plan to delete, update the configuration before you delete
the server. If you do not perform this task, features that rely on the configuration may not work after
you delete the server; for example, if you enter the IP address or host name for a service parameter,
enterprise parameter, service URL, directory URL, IP phone servi ce, and so on, u pda te thi s
configuration before you delete the server.
If an application GUI, for example, Cisco Unity, Cisco Unity Connection, and so on, contains the
IP address or host name for the server that you plan to delete, update the configuration in the
corresponding GUIs before you delete the server. If you do not perform th is task, features that rely
on the configuration may not work after you delete the server.
The system may automatically delete some devices, such as MOH servers, when you delete a server.
Before you delete a node, Cisco recommends that you deactivate the services that are active on the
subsequent node. Performing this task ensures that the service s work a fter y ou del ete the n ode .
Changes to the server configuration do not take effect until you restart Cisco Unified
Communications Manager. For information on restarting the Cisco CallManager service, refer to
Cisco Unified Serviceability Administration Guide.
To ensure that database files get updated correctly, you must reboot the cluster after you d ele te a
After you delete the node, access Cisco Unified Reporting to verify Cisco Unified Communications
Manager removed the node from the cluster. In addition, access Cisco Unified Reporting, RTMT, or
the CLI to verify that database replication is occurring between existing nodes; if necessary, repair
database replication between the nodes by using the CLI.
Step 1 Find the server by using the procedure in the “Finding a Server” section on page 2-4 .
Step 2 From list of matching records, choose the server that you want to delete.
Step 3 Click the Delete Selected Item icon that displays in the tool bar in the upper, left corner of the window
(or click the Delete Selected button that displays at the bottom of the window).
If you delete a subsequent node (subscriber) from Cisco Uni fied Co mm unic ation s M a nage r
Administration and you want to add it back to the cluster, perform the f oll owing pro cedu re:
Procedure for Adding a Deleted Server Back to the Cluster
Step 1 In Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration, add the server by c hoo sing System >
Step 2 After you add the subsequent node to Cisco Unified Communications Manage r Administration, perform
an installation on the server by using the disk that Cisco provided in your software kit.